Sunday, November 9, 2008


The Safety of Secrets

Well, this contest has been a best-kept secret around here, huh? Dawn at She is Too Fond of Books e-mailed me last week, but it was such a busy week offline that it got buried in my inbox.

However, this secret is out. Dawn's got another week for you guys to step up and enter a contest for her gently read paperback copy of The Safety of Secrets, written by Delaune Michel.

The contest is open world-wide, although Dawn reserves the right to use the cheapest shipping method she can find. These days, that might be accompanying someone on their way to visit your country! (well, it'll be cheap for her, but not the person travelling. Whatever.)

Dawn wants you to talk about your best friend, too. Right now, I'm glad she's not trying to scratch out BFF on the e-mail we swap...

Use this link.

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