Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The Good Mayor

Dar at Peeking Between the Pages needed to shake up our lives some. I swear, that's what she's up to!


Or, well, people in Canada. I think you can be any nationality. And that you can't be a Canadian living in Australia.

The book is called The Good Mayor, and it's the debut novel by Andrew Nicoll. It's being compared to The Time-Traveler's Wife, so Dar is excited to read it (Me, I need to read Time-Traveler. It's near the top of Mt. TBR, though. Maybe in 2009...).

The release date is May 12, but you can reserve your copy NOW. Dar will draw the winner on May 8, so you just might get this right around its release and you can show it to all your friends and brag about how YOU won it...

Use this link.

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