Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The Girl Who Stopped Swimming

Yes, it's true! Joshilyn Jackson wrote a book about me!

Okay, she wrote a book that has nothing to do with me, but the title sure fits. Me. And the book, I'm sure. No self-respecting editor would send a book into the world with an ill-fitting title.

Dar at Peeking Between the Pages has five copies of this latest from Ms. Jackson. She's also got two parts of a video interview with the author, herself, for you to watch. AND a link to her review. Wow, Dar. THAT is being thorough.

Entering to win won't require as much, I'm glad to say. Check out the rules -- but I'll warn you now. This is restricted to non-PO Box holders in the US and Canada, like is getting to be the norm around here.

You have until April 29. Use this link.

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