Monday, March 16, 2009


The Disappearance

My good friend Candy over at My Raves also has an interview happening today. (Is it interview an author day or something???) She's hosting Efrem Sigel, who has written one of the better books she's read this year. (Since she's read my book, I think I should be insulted by that. But I'm not.)

Candy is giving away her copy of the book, so that means you're not getting a brand new book. She IS gentle on her books; I can vouch for that.

You've got until April 15, which is tax day here in the States. The bad news is that Candy's self-employed, so she can only afford postage within the US.

Candy's also very cool. Her blog's worth hanging around.

Use this link and check out the multiple ways to enter.

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*laugh* Actually, yours was one of the better too (maybe that's cuz I'm a Trevor fan girl). Now that I think of it, most of the good books I've read this year were from smaller publishers/authors. (not that YOU are small, you are a rock star!)
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