Monday, December 1, 2008


Matrimony Sightings

Author Joshua Henkin wants you to have a Matrimonial holiday. Or maybe to appreciate your spouse a bit more; you'd have to ask him.

Anyway, here are some spots around the Net where you'll be able to find him this week:

Janel's Jumble, with a review (and links to other reviews, too)

Up for Grabs has two autographed copies.

Giving Reading a Chance has a copy and all sorts of great links -- and has embedded a video of Mr. Henkin. Check it out!

Tanabata, a longtime reader and new contributor, also has some Matrimony love. While the contest is closed, you can check out links to other reviews. This is always a great way to check out a new blog and potential friend...

Whew. Thanks to Josh Henkin for sending us all these links. More will be coming soon, so stay tuned!


Thanks a LOT, for posting my link here :)
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