Friday, November 28, 2008


Sale at BookCloseouts!

Don't hate me. By sharing this link and coupon with you, I'm saving myself from using it and yes, I still have 500+ books in the house, waiting to be read. I swear, every time I read one, at least one more shows up to take its place.

Still, books make most excellent gifts, and having a bonus coupon at BookCloseOuts is better than having leftover pumpkin bundt cake for breakfast. This one's sweet, too:

Anything in the fiction category with a black star beside its title means you'll get 50% off the price. HALF OFF.

Holy cheap books, Batman!

Check it out here.

Don't hate me. When it comes to BookCloseOuts, resistance is futile, I know.

Believe me. I know.


Ahhh, I hate you! OK, no, not really (I take it back, I take it back!), it's just that I don't need more incentive to buy books! But you're right, resistance is futile... And they're selling David Ebershoff's books at ridiculous prices! Now I just have to find about 15 more books to buy, so I can take advantage of their free shipping...
Thanks for leting me know about this! What a great site and wonderful prices, I just bought 18 books! And it only cost me $36, and I saved over $214 which is wonderful. Thank You! Now I probably need to buy another book shelve, know anywhere that sells them cheap? :)
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