Sunday, September 21, 2008


The Remains of the Dead

I hope my friend Spy Scribbler doesn't get mad at me for posting this, but really, if you've ever wanted to see into the mind of a writer, Spy's got the blog for you.

She's also got an autographed copy of The Remains of the Dead, written by Wendy Roberts, to share with you.

Make sure you hang with Spy for awhile. You'll be glad you did. And you'll appreciate us writers a bit more. I'm sure of it.

Use this link.

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Aww, you are so sweet! And why in the world would I be mad, silly? LOLOL!

You say that and I start going off on politics, LOL! Ah well. I'm looking forward to the election being over, honestly.

Thank you, Susan!
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