Thursday, September 11, 2008


The Lace Reader

Icedream over at Reading in Appalachia dropped us an e-mail (thanks, Icedream!) about her new contest.

She's got an ARC copy (HER ARC copy, if you keep track of things like that) of The Lace Reader, by Brunonia Barry to pass along. Keep it moving, you know...

But she'd like to spark some discussion, so, in her own words...

In the past I have kept entries pretty simple but this time I am asking something of you, dear reader. I currently live in West Virginia, it wasn't always my home but it is my place of birth and "where I'm from", so I have always had an interest in Appalachian regional literature. So to enter in this giveaway I would like for you to tell me about a book that you read and enjoyed that is set in Appalachia. If you can't remember or haven't read a book that is set in Appalachia then you can go through my widget on the right called "Appalachian Regional Lit." and choose one of those that you would be interested in reading and tell me why.

Being from outside Pittsburgh, Susan is obliged to make a West Virginia joke. But she's seen too much beautiful land in that state, so it ain't gonna happen. (So long as the WVU students don't drag their couches into the street and set them on fire again).

This is, regrettably, a US-only contest. You have until September 30.

And check out the cool map!

Enter via this link.

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